Cultivating Lasting Relationships: The Impact of Long-Term Friendships

Today’s culture is suffering from an epidemic that many feel, yet few recognize - loneliness and a lack of connection. Research continues to show that the majority of American adults identify as “isolated” or “lonely” in their daily lives, with few friends or close connections to call on when things are tough.

However, a lack of friendships can go beyond a simple feeling of loneliness. Studies have linked a lack of friendships to poorer physical health, higher rates of depression and anxiety, less successful aging, and an even greater risk for early death. 

On the other hand, those who cultivate long-term relationships with friends and family experience tangible benefits in terms of their mental and social health. They find that they can open up to their friends in a way that is both safe and helpful, allowing them to build meaningful connections with the people around them.

These connections are significant for healthy development over one’s lifetime and can offer support during difficult times and help individuals grow in self-confidence. So how can you start to build or strengthen your relationships with those around you? If you are a member of the nearly ⅓ of adults suffering from social isolation, read on to learn how you can take steps today to build a healthier and more fulfilling social life.

Why Lasting Friendships?

Friendships and relationships often come and go as we grow. High school friendships can blossom and then fade as college years begin. New relationships can form and then end in a matter of weeks or months. Office companionship can grow when grinding away at the desk but then be lost to the next job. 

However, there are also those friendships and relationships that last, that bring us a sense of security and comfort in knowing they will always be there. These are the relationships that are worth striving for and can be incredibly valuable in helping you to avoid social isolation.

As a young adult or college student, finding and maintaining these long-term friendships is essential to the healthy development of your identity and self-esteem. 

During formative years - such as those of college and early careers - it is especially important to surround yourself with people who will support and encourage you through the highs and lows. Taking those first steps toward forming new relationships can be intimidating, but if done correctly, these connections can last a lifetime.

How Can We Cultivate Lasting Relationships?

Healthy, lasting friendships and relationships are key to a thriving life - even for those who may find themselves more introverted by nature. However, our digital-first world makes it difficult to create and maintain meaningful connections.

Cultivating lasting relationships takes time and effort but is ultimately worth it! Here are some tips to get you started on the path toward long-lasting, meaningful relationships:

1. Check your energy.

Long-lasting relationships are two-way streets. This means you should know your own energy and how it affects the relationship. If your current energy is low, take some time to recharge before engaging with the other person meaningfully.

2. Listen actively.

Listening actively, really tuning in to what the other person is saying, and responding thoughtfully can go a long way toward fostering understanding and trust between two people.  Active listening is a key skill for any relationship - from intimate partner relationships to long-term friendships.

3. Show and receive genuine care.

No one likes feeling like they're just another​​ person in the crowd. Showing genuine interest and care for the other person will make them more likely to stick around for the long haul. In the same way, be willing to accept care and attention from the other person.

4. Share experiences together.

Strong relationships are built on shared experiences and memories, so plan activities together that you both enjoy! This could be anything from a picnic in the park to a night out at your favorite restaurant.

5. Stay consistent through change.

Every friendship will endure changes, whether in location, job duties, or even lifestyle choices. It's important to show you are still there for them through those changes and will be a reliable friend no matter what. Taking the time and effort to stay connected during times of transition will help strengthen the bond between you both.

Build Your Friendship Muscle with Therapy

For many, their anxieties or fears hinder the desire to build and maintain long-term friendships. If you're feeling overwhelmed by your friendships, therapy can help. A therapist can provide insight into why certain social situations are triggering for you and provide strategies to improve your relationships with friends.

If you are a college student or young adult in the New Orleans area, contact me today to learn how targeted therapy and coaching can help you take the next step in your social and personal growth. 

My New Orleans Therapy and Therapist services for college students, millennials and young professionals can help you identify the underlying issues preventing your ability to make and keep long-term friendships. Together, we will unlock tools and strategies to improve your communication with friends. With a supportive therapist by your side, you are sure to make meaningful connections that will last for years to come.


Dr. Eileen Wynne

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